August 15

Here’s how to set goals and follow-through

Time Management and Goal Setting


If you Google or YouTube, you will find a hundred different tutorials on

  • how to manage your time better,
  • how to set your goals properly and follow through and
  • how to get more done in less time.

Then, why is it not happening?

Why we are not being able to actually apply these things in our day to day life and get results? Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like all of the time management and goal setting guides on the internet are rubbish.

I think the content is really good on the internet. It is just that, if we compare all the addictions we might have with our goals, the addictions like, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, HotStar, Netflix and what have you…

When we compare these addictions of us to our goals, the goals does not seem that attractive to us. So, what’s the solution, you might ask…

If we, somehow, make our goals more visual, more clear, If we can actually see and feel our goals, we wouldn’t need any outside motivation. We will actually work towards our goals instead of mindlessly scrolling through the feeds.

So, let’s talk about how to make our goals more attractive than the addictions around us. Here’s a ridiculously simple way to set proper goals and actually follow through. Which will result in you getting twice, thrice or even four times stuff done in a day, every single day.

We, human beings, are very visual animals. We need to ‘see’ things clearly for us to be motivated enough to take action on it.

If we cannot see exactly what we are supposed to do, exactly how we are supposed to do it, then it becomes very hard for us to actually get out of the bed and get to work. Procrastination sets in

Clarity rids procrastination. Clarity builds productivity.

Here’s what you don’t do. You don’t set-up those long-term goals every single year just to forget all about it next week.

You should have a long term vision, but plan and strategize for short-term. Decide what you are going to get done ‘today.’

Use the software “Trello.” It’s a completely free software. It’s a project management software. But you can use it for time management. You can create chunks of 30 minutes.

Write down what you are going to accomplish in the next 30 minutes. That’s it. Micro-Commitments. When you are finished with that task, move the card from “to-do” to “done” list. It’s an amazing feeling to see cards moving to “done” list. Boom-Boom-Boom. It feels amazing.

Understand this. If you are making big commitments like 4-hour or 5-hour goals, it is harder for human brain to actually visualize it, feel it, get motivated enough to work intensely on it. Specially in this age of shortened attention span, this strategy is all the more important.

Make sure you check out Trello. Make sure you break the daily goals down in 30-minutes chunks.

Write down what you are going to do in the next 30 minutes and then do it.!

To your success,

PS: Don’t forget to check out the time management workshop. The 80% discount is coming to an end as soon as the summer vacations end.


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